التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Craft Stick Jewelry Box

What you'll need:

  • 1 package of craft sticks, size of your choice
  • White craft glue
  • Pony bead or buttons
  • White acrylic paint (optional)
  • Pink glitter glue (optional)
  • Craft jewels (optional)
  • Paint brush
  • Wax paper

How to make it:

  1. Lay several craft sticks on the wax paper, next to each other and touching. Be sure to line them up evenly.
  2. Use two more craft sticks and glue on top of the others, one at each end, to hold the rest together. (See photo) They will look similar to a fence or log raft.
  3. Use two more craft sticks and glue ends of stick to the ends of the sticks that are already in place so that they create a square. Keep repeating this alternating process to build up the sides as high as you would like.
  4. Make the lid by repeating steps 1 & 2 above.
  5. Let everything dry completely.
  6. You can leave your box plain or choose to paint it. You can also add a shiny effect by painting on a layer of glitter glue over white paint.
  7. Glue a pony bead to the center of the finished lid as a handle.
  8. You can further embellish your jewelry box by decorating it with craft jewels.
  9. If you don't have a pony bead, find a couple of matching buttons and stack them with glue.


  • If you would like to make a ring holder, use miniature craft sticks. For a larger box use jumbo craft sticks.
  • Use a black permanent marker to write your child's name and the year on the bottom of the box. This makes a great keepsake for your memory box!
  • Craft sticks are readily available at any craft store and discount department stores. A frugal option is to save popsicle sticks in the summer, wash them then use for crafts after they dry.


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