التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

how to make a beatiful card

it's easy to piece a paper fox with a stepper card background.
just follow our six-step guide

How to make:
1-Make a stepper card blank from withe card cover it with panels
of "campy trails" patterned paper to create a woodland backround
for your fox

2Use the two largest nestabilites dies with a die-cutting machine

to cut a frame shape from beig card.Keep the dies in place during
cutting with tiny pieces of double-sided tape.

3-now decorate the die-cut frame.use a brown fineliner pen to doodle
faux stitches around the inside edge but don't worry if your
stitches aren't pefect.

4-use the template to cut the toadstool from red and white card.
doodle taux stitches around the top ot the toadstool,then top with three
white brads.

5-Use the template to make the fox from orange and white card and for the
fox's tail trim a bright orange feather and layer it on to a larger white feather.

6-Apply brown chalk to the edges of the feathers to create more natural colour.
Add the fox and his fluffy tail to the card front along with the frame and
your greeting


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كيفية تزيين المرايا بالصور و بطريقة سهلة

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